Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Teacher's Funeral

I just finished reading The Teacher's Funeral to the class.  It is one of my favorite read-alouds.  The kids loved it too.  Nearly every student in the class passed the Accelerated Reader test on it.  If you get a chance to read any of Richard Peck's books, try them.

Here is Garett's take on the book:

Mrs. Christensen read it to us and it was so funny. That book was so funny everyone liked it so much.
It was back in the 1900’s it had a funny sister in it she beat her little brother.
It had the funniest ending. It took us about five weeks to read, but no one cared.
Oh and Glen Tarbox puts gun powder in their stove and boom!


Here is what Sage had to say about the changes in our schedule:

Last year we had Mrs. Maynard as a PE teacher now we have Jeanne.  With Mrs. Maynard we had like wall ball, basketball, and kickball.   With Jeanne we learn dances and after we learn the dance we play soccer. James and Ciera help Jeanne teach us dances. Jeanne is a good dancer, James and Ciera yell at us and tell us what to do. On some dances we have to hold hands; that is what they yell at us for if we don’t hold hands. I hate it.
I like dance but not as much as I liked PE with Mrs. Maynard. We just had more athletic stuff with Mrs. Maynard not that much with Jeanne. I’m glad we have dance, and Jeanne. Those are the changes in PE. 


Singapore Math

We are using a new math program this year, Singapore Math.  It has been a challenge for both students and teachers because a lot more thinking and problem solving is involved.  The district's math team spent a lot of time deciding whether or not this was the way to go.

Keaton has this to say about Singapore Math:

In math this year we are doing Singapore Math. In Singapore Math it is new because the sixth graders are doing algebra. The fourth graders are doing long division and long multiplying. The fifth graders are doing prime numbers and comparison. That is all we are doing for math so far in the year.

It has been fun watching the kids learn the new concepts and really understand them.  The sixth graders, especially, are feeling pretty smart.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Soccer Mania

Most of the kids are playing soccer this fall.  They practice on Thursdays and have games in Ely on Saturdays.  The kids are really enjoying the sport.  Here is an update on soccer season by Vic:

It's lots of fun for people who play soccer. It is just riveting to watch us play soccer. It has been going well for all of the teams. You should come and watch us. We have won 2 and lost 1. Krystee and Darrin  are our coaches for the U14. The U11 coaches are Krystee and Cody. They have won 2 and tied 2. So both of the teams are doing good.

District Writing Test

Last week there was a district-wide writing test.  All of the students in the district had the same writing prompt and directions.  All of the teachers at Lund School got together and scored the tests with a rubric.  The writing pieces from our school will be compared with those from other schools.  
The kids in our class really enjoyed the topic, which was about their favorite place to play.  Papers were written about everything from the beach to the mountains and Disneyland to Circus Circus.  The papers should be sent home soon.

Garett wrote about the writing test:

Last week we had the district writing test.  It wasn’t fun.  I hope the class got a good score on it.
They were graded yesterday by the teachers   I bet the class got a awesome score on it.
The class write about places we like to play.