Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I am really grateful for Larenzo.  He is a junior in high school and has chosen to spend his second period in our room each day.  He is a huge help and works very well with all the kids.

Jace wrote about what Larenzo does for our class:

Larenzo   Lacovara is Mrs. Christensen‘s teacher aide. He is in our class while the 5th and 6th graders are in typing, and all he does is grade papers, go copy papers, and whatever she wants done.
I guess that helps a lot because Mrs. Christensen probably   doesn’t have time so teacher’s aides are important.


The second week of October was a spirit week for the whole school.  We were really excited to be able to participate in the dress up days with the high schoolers.

Jace has written about that week:

At Lund we  had Oktoberfest it was really fun.  lf you read the other  blogs you will get a little information on what we did. We had neon day, NFL Day, Breast Cancer Awareness Day, and Blue anGold Day. The High School did what we did except they had Macho Man volleyball and Powder Puff football.  It wasn’t tackle it was flag football.
That’s what we did for Oktoberfest.


Rachael has written a post about Halloween:

My  favorite thing about Halloween was going trick or treating. I went  trick or treating with Charlotte, Paige, and Allyse . It would  get pretty  wild because we would take turns being in the front, and the three who were in the back would play slap each other. Whenever I would  be in the middle Charlotte would sit on my dress.  The good thing is that I had a good time.

Island of the Blue Dolphins

I read Island of the Blue Dolphins when I was in fifth or sixth grade, so I thought I would read it to my class.  I was a little worried because the main character is a girl, and most of my class is boys, but everyone seemed to really enjoy the book.  The whole class participated in our daily discussions about the book.  

Here is what Braedon had to say about Island of the Blue Dolphins:

Island of the Blue Dolphins is about a girl that was left behind on an island. It is called the island of the blue dolphins. She was about 18 when she was left behind. The way that she was left behind was her brother went back to the village to get his fishing pole so he did not starve to death on the ocean. So his sister was on the boat and they were a half a mile out and she found out her brother was not on the ship so she jumped off the ship and swam back to the Island. By the time she was there her brother was on the shore thinking he was going to be the only one on the Island then his sister showed up out of the water.

     That same day they built a house and stayed in it thinking how they were going to leave the Island of the blue dolphins. That night while the sister was sleeping the brother snuck out to go get a canoe but, the he did not make it very far he was killed by the wild dogs. That next morning the sister woke up and found out that the brother was not there so she went to look for him and found out that he was dead. So she carried him back to her home. She made a promise to her self that she would kill all the wild dogs. She was rescued.